This website is focused on helping Jehovah's Witnesses find the real truth : not counterfeit truth and not an ever-changing truth. It is the goal of this website to accurately and honestly relay the truth to all Jehovah's Witnesses who have an open mind.
Jehovah's Witnesses, if you invest just 10 minutes of your time and review the information presented here, you should be able to see that you have been lied to and deceived. You are a victim who is being used and abused. The purpose of this website is to help you wake up and realize this.
Reasons To Review This Website:1) This website was NOT produced by any former Jehovah's Witnesses!
2) All information found on this website has been taken from official Watchtower publications!
3) We are told multiple times in the Bible not to be deceived.
4) We are told in the Bible to test everything.
5) There will be those who think they are on God's side, but are not.
6) There will be false prophets and false teachers.
7) Doing research and due diligence are normal and healthy functions in life.
8) It is common sense!
9) The WatchTower even agrees.
10) Your eternity is at stake.
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Proof Jesus Is God Almighty
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is not God, but rather the first creation of Jehovah God. Many JW's will admit to the diety of Jesus and say he is 'a God', a 'separate God', or 'God-like', but not Jehovah God. This contradicts many scriptures though! Just one example is at Isaiah 44:6-8 which clearly says there is only ONE God and NONE like him. The Watchtower has even perverted their own Bible in order to hide that Jesus is God. Fortunately, they were not able to completely hide the truth and it is quite easy to prove from their own publications that Jesus is in fact God Almighty. See some of the proof below.
Hebrews 1:10-12 - Notice that these scriptures are clearly talking ABOUT JESUS. See verse 8 in case there is any doubt. Verse 10 starts off with "And:", which is simply a continuation of what was started in verse 8. There is a reference back to Psalms 102:25-27. Make sure to read Hebrews 1:10-12 entirely before proceeding in order to understand the point. What you will notice is that this is a new testament quotation from the old testament. After you have read Hebrews 1:10-12, look at the next image below to see what Psalms 102:25-27 actually says.
Psalms 102:25-27 - Here it is clearly talking ABOUT JEHOVAH. Even a JW must agree with this. What we have here is an old testament passage which is almost exactly the same word-for-word as Hebrews 1:10-12 which is about Jesus! So in Psalms it is referring to Jehovah, but in Hebrews it is referring to Jesus. Both passages have cross references pointing back to each other in the NWT. So the WatchTower even realizes and agrees that these 2 sets of scripture are related. Read the 2 passages of scripture carefully, and there is no denying that the NWT Bible proves Jesus is Jehovah.
Here is proof from their own Bible that Jesus is God Almighty. This is not even a full list.
- Exodus 17:6 - While in the desert, Jehovah was literally standing on the rock. However, 1 Corinthians 10:4, Jesus was the rock! There are cross references linking both scriptures together. So there is no question they are related to each other. Notice how they try and dilute this text by saying the rock "meant" Jesus. No, he WAS the rock! Jesus is Jehovah from the Old Testament. That is why one verse says Jehovah was there, but another one says Jesus was there.
- Deuteronomy 6:16
- While in the desert, the Israelites tested God.
Compare also Numbers 21:6
and Exodus 17:7.
However, according to 1 Corinthians 10:9, JESUS WAS TESTED AND SENT THE SERPENTS.
Please refer to the 'WatchTower Is Deceptive!' section of this site for more supporting information.
The true meaning does in fact mean Jesus even though the NWT says Jehovah.
Even the original JWs believed Jesus was the one being referred to in 1 Corinthians 10:9 and who was tested/tempted:
- Isaiah 9:6 - Jesus is called 'Mighty God' plain and simple. There is a big 'G' for God and not a little 'g'. A Jehovah's Witness may confirm this, but say that Jesus is 'Mighty God' but not 'Almighty God'. However, according to their own Bible, Jehovah is called the same term 'Mighty God' though. Where? Just one chapter later in the very same book at Isaiah 10:21. So in Isaiah 9:6, JESUS IS MIGHTY GOD, but in Isaiah 10:21, JEHOVAH IS MIGHTY GOD. God is not trying to confuse us here. Neither does he play word games. Jesus is called 'Mighty God' just like Jehovah is, because Jesus is God Almighty!
- Isaiah 42:8 - Jehovah shares his glory with no one! This is confirmed in Isaiah 48:11. So it is perfectly clear that Jehovah shares his glory with no one. However, Jesus received God's glory. See John 17:5 where Jesus requested glorification from God and claimed he shared in God's glory before. Also, according to Revelation 5:12-13, the Lamb (Jesus) received glory and worship alongside God. Either the Bible is full with contradictions and lies or JW doctrine is clearly wrong!
- Isaiah 44:6 - This verse is clearly talking ABOUT JEHOVAH. Jehovah is the 'first and the last' and there is no God but him. Compare this to the reference they have for Revelation 22:13. Here it is talking ABOUT JESUS and it says Jesus is the 'first and the last'. They even have a reference pointing back to Isaiah 44:6. So the Watchtower agrees that these 2 sets of scriptures are related. In Isaiah, the verse was about Jehovah, but in Revelation it is about Jesus! In case there is any doubt Revelation 22:13 is about Jesus, notice in verse 12 how it states Jesus is coming and in verse 20 it says "Come, Lord Jesus". The entire time it is talking about Jesus! Here once again, the NWT has linked Jehovah in the old testament to Jesus in the new testament, proving that Jesus is Jehovah God. Revelation 1:17-18 also uses the phrase 'first and the last' and the 'first and the last' became dead. Jehovah's Witnesses, when did Jehovah ever die? The 'first and the last' must be Jesus himself. And as Isaiah 44:6 in your own Bible proves, the 'first and the last' is Jehovah. Therefore, Jesus is God Almighty!
- Zechariah 11:12-13 - Thirty pieces of silver were weighed out in verse 12. In verse 13, it says JEHOVAH WAS VALUED FOR 30 SILVER PIECES. We all know that Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. The Watchtower even recognizes the connection between these verses and Jesus because they have a cross reference pointing to the New Testament. In the New Testament, JESUS WAS VALUED FOR 30 SILVER PIECES. Which can only mean that Jesus is God Almighty!
- Zechariah 14:3-4 - Jehovah will come and stand on the Mount of Olives. There is a cross reference to Acts 1:12. Starting in verse 11, it says Jesus is coming back to the Mount of Olives! This is just one example out of many which describes the 2nd coming of Jesus. According to JW doctrine, Jehovah is a spirit who lives only in heaven. He sends middle men like Jesus and the Holy Spirit to do his work, but he himself remains in heaven. Therefore, according to the JW's own teaching, Jesus MUST be God Almighty since the Bible is clear that God himself will physically come to Earth. So either the Bible lies and contradicts itself of JW teaching is wrong.
- Matthew 1:23 - Jesus is called 'Immanuel' which means 'With us is God'.
- Mark 14:62-64 - Jesus used the title for God 'I AM' from Exodus 3:14-15. Refer to the 'WatchTower Is Deceptive!' section of this site for more supporting information. The Watchtower has gone to great lengths to cover up the truth about Jesus using this title. Notice how the Jews immediately accused him of blasphemy and condemned him to death. If Jesus did not claim to be the true God, why would they react in this way?
- Luke 1:15-17 - John the Baptizer came ahead of Jehovah to get the people prepared for him. Notice it doesn't say 'Jehovah's chief agent'. Nor does it say anything else such as preparing a people for Jehovah 'by means of' his Son. It is plainly talking ABOUT JEHOVAH himself! Any other meaning would require changing God's Word. Now, who did John say he was preparing the way for? Well, the answers can be found in John 1:15-27. John clearly is talking ABOUT JESUS.
- John 2:19-21 - Jesus told the Jews that if they destroyed this temple that HE would raise it again in 3 days. The 'temple' is then defined plainly as his BODY. So it is clear that JESUS RAISED HIS OWN BODY. This proves Jesus is God because the Bible says GOD RAISED JESUS. See Acts 2:24, Acts 2:32, Acts 3:15, Acts 3:26, Acts 4:10, Acts 5:30, Acts 10:40, Acts 13:30-37, Romans 4:24, Romans 6:4, Romans 10:9, 1 Corinthians 6:14, Galations 1:1, Ephesians 1:17-20, Colossians 2:12, and 1 Peter 1:21.
- John 5:18 - Everyone understood by his words that Jesus was making himself equal with God.
- John 8:58 - Prior to John 8:58, Jesus had been speaking with the Jews for a while, but they did not want to kill him.
Then at John 8:58, Jesus uses the title for God 'I AM' from Exodus 3:14-15.
(Note: Please refer to the 'WatchTower Is Deceptive!' section of this site for more supporting information.)
The Jews immediately wanted to kill him for blasphemy.
Notice verse 59 starts out with the word 'So'. It directly connects what Jesus had just said to the their reaction.
Other translations, even the Kingdom Interlinear Translation, use the word 'Therefore'.
The point is that there is an immediate reaction from the Jews based on what Jesus had just said.
The Jews understood that Jesus was claiming to be God!
To prove the point further, the Jews asked Jesus when he had ever seen Abraham. So when did they ever see each other? The answer is found in Genesis. See Genesis 18:22 where it says Jehovah was physically standing before Abraham. The JWs will say this is not Jehovah, but an angel of Jehovah acting on his behalf. We know this is a lie because in verse 20 he could hear the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah's sin. Just like Jehovah did earlier in Genesis when Cain killed Abel. Could an angel really do this? Abraham then stood there pleading with Jehovah to spare the city if there would be righteous men still there. Could an angel really make decisions for Jehovah? The fact is that there were 2 persons who were both considered Jehovah in Genesis. One was the Father Jehovah in heaven and the other was Jesus who was on Earth. The older New World Translations prove this in Genesis 19:24. There are 2 Jehovah's in that verse. The JW organization knows this and it is why they changed the verse in their 2013 version. Abraham saw Jesus as Jehovah in Genesis! - John 10:30-33 - The Jews picked up stones to kill Jesus because of blasphemy for claiming to be God. Their Bible has Jesus here as a little 'g' god. Which makes Jesus claiming to be a false god. If he was claiming to be a false god, he would not even be guilty of blasphemy. They wanted to kill him on the spot because of claiming to be the true God!
- John 12:41 - John says ISAIAH SAW JESUS and spoke about him. The New World Translation has a cross reference pointing back to Isaiah 6:1,8. But there, ISAIAH SAW JEHOVAH and spoke about him. There is even a cross reference pointing to John 12:41. So the Watchtower agrees that these scriptures are related. In Isaiah, it is about Jehovah, but in John it is about Jesus.
- John 14:8-9 - Philip still didn't get the point and said something Jesus considered silly. Jesus replied back proving he is God.
- John 14:14 - Jesus said we can pray to him in his own name.
IMPORTANT NOTE : Please refer to the 'WatchTower Is Deceptive!' section of this site for more supporting information. - John 20:28 - Thomas called Jesus 'God' with a big 'G'. A JW will say Thomas simply said this out of shock or some other lame excuse. Even if this were the case, Jesus never corrected the mistake. He actually confirmed that Thomas was correct.
- Acts 7:59 - Stephen prayed to Jesus. Only God can be prayed to.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please refer to the 'New World Translation Is Biased' section of this site for supporting information. - Romans 11:36 - Speaking about Jehovah, it says from him, by him, and for him are all things. Compare this to Colossians 1:16 which says all things have been created by Jesus, through Jesus, and for Jesus. Notice how the wording between both verses is very similar. One verse is about Jehovah and the other verse is about Jesus.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The NWT inserted the word 'other' multiple times into Colossians even though the word is not in the original text. They have done this to try and hide that Jesus is Jehovah. - 1 Timothy 3:16 - Jesus is God in the flesh.
Some manuscripts actually contain the word 'God' here instead of 'He'.
The Watchtower chose not to render it this way for obvious reasons, but we still know it is referring to God here since he is the last subject in the context.
In case there are doubts, below is proof showing that the original Jehovah's Witnesses believed this too.
- Watchtower June 1880
- 1 John 1:5-7 - This verse clearly shows that GOD IS LIGHT. Notice that the 'him' being referred to here is God. This can be seen in verse 7 since it says "Jesus his Son". So the 'him' and 'his' are clearly referring to God himself. Now, here is the point. The author says that this is the message that they heard from 'him' (God). So when did this happen? The answer is in John's Gospel. According to John 1:9, JESUS IS THE TRUE LIGHT. From who did John here this from? The answer can be found in the same book at John 12:35-36. Jesus himself gave them this message that he is the light. So in 1 John 1:5-7, it says God gave them this message, but in the book of John, Jesus himself gave them this message. Therefore, Jesus is God.
- 1 John 5:20 - Jesus is called the 'True God'. Jehovah's Witnesses will say this is referring to Jehovah and not Jesus. For Trinitarians, it shouldn't matter if this is referring broadly to 'God' as the text says or to Jesus, because Jesus is himself God. Just to entertain the debate though, below are reasons that we know this is referring specifically to Jesus (God the Son) :
- It says 'True God and life everlasting'. Both titles are referring to the same person. So God is the life everlasting and the life everlasting is God. Does the Bible define elsewhere who the everlasting life is? Yes, even in the same book. 1 John 5:11-13 is clear that the everlasting life is Jesus himself. Even in 1 John 1:2, Jesus is referred to as the everlasting life. Therefore, Jesus is the True God.
- The last subject mentioned immediately prior to 'True God and life everlasting' is Jesus. It would only make sense that Jesus is being called the True God.
- 1 John starts off by talking about Jesus. Jesus is also the dominant subject in the entire chapter 5. Jesus is also the subject immediately prior to verse 20. Considering the trend, it would make sense that the end of the book would be wrapped up by also talking about Jesus.
- Revelation 1:7-8 - Jesus is called the Alpha and Omega, Jehovah God, and the Almighty.
We know it is Jesus because in verse 7 it says he was pierced. Jesus was the one that was pierced.
A Jehovah's Witness will claim that the subject of the verses are jumping back and forth from Jesus to Jehovah.
They like to over-complicate everything.
For example, some of them will say that verse 5 is about Jesus, then verse 6 is about Jehovah, then verse 7 switches back to Jesus, and then verse 8 switches back to Jehovah again.
This claim is false because verse 7 says "he is coming".
Which means the one who was pierced (Jesus) is coming. Then in verse 8 it says Jehovah is coming.
So the text is about the same subject - Jesus who is Jehovah - the one who is coming.
This can easily be proven by comparing to Revelation 22:13.
Notice how it uses the same terms 'coming' and 'come' for Jesus.
A JW cannot get out of this because the entire context around Revelation 22:13 is about Jesus!
Furthermore, Jesus here identifies himself as the 'Alpha and Omega'.
Which we saw in Revelation 1:8 is Jehovah.
So God (Jesus) is the one who was pierced.
He is the one who is coming back.
He is the Alpha and Omega.
He is the Almighty.
Even the original Jehovah's Witnesses were taught that the 'Almighty' in Rev. 1:8 was Jesus himself. See the proof of this below. - Revelation 5:13-14 - Jehovah (God the Father) and the Lamb (Jesus) are both worshipped at the same time.
The Bible is clear that only the one true God may be worshipped.
Anything else is a contradiction to plain biblical truth.
Therefore, Jesus must be God Almighty without contradicting scripture.
There are several other scriptures that show JESUS WAS WORSHIPPED, but the Watchtower has translated them as 'obeisance'.
The Watchtower has admitted several times in the past that Jesus was worshipped and can be worshipped. Below are some examples.
- Watchtower June 1880
- Watchtower October 1880
- Watchtower July 15 1898
- Salvation Book 1939
- Watchtower November 15 1939
- Watchtower October 15 1945
- 1945 Yearbook Page 32
- Let God Be True 1952
- New Heavens And A New Earth 1953
- Revelation 22:6 - Jehovah sent his angel. Yet, several verses later in the same chapter at Revelation 22:16, it says Jesus sent his angel.
Anyone who has talked to a Jehovah's Witness will probably know how fearful they are of looking at anything not published by the Watchtower. They will often repeat the same memorized phrases over and over about this. One of the reasons they often give is that other materials are so biased. Well, the Watchtower publications, including their New World Translation, are extremely biased. See proof directly from their own 2013 NWT Bible and also their 1969 Kingdom Interlinear Translation. Please note, this is just a drop in the bucket compared to everything that could be said about this topic. There are many other examples not mentioned here.
John 1:18 - Here the NWT calls Jesus as a little 'g' god.
There is no reason to render it this way though.
They have Jesus as a big 'G' God in Isaiah 9:6 which has a cross reference to John 1:18.
So they go from a big 'G' in Isaiah 9:6 to a little 'g' in John 1:18 to demote Jesus.
They demote Jesus like this since they teach that Jesus is not God Almighty.
So they try and make Jesus a separate, smaller or less powerful God.
After looking at their interlinear translation of John 1:18,
we can see it is the exact same word rendered many other times elsewhere as a big 'G' God.
For example, just a couple chapters later in the same book at John 3:2,
we can see that they rendered the exact same word as 'God'.
They pick and choose when to render this word correctly depending on whether it could be used to prove Jesus is God or not.
Even their old 1950 version of John 1:18 proves that it should be a big 'G' God.
This footnote was conveniently removed in newer versions of their Bible.

John 8:58 - Their 1985 Kingdom Interlinear Translation proves that they changed the words of Jesus from "I am" to "I have been". It changes the complete thought of the verse and is a deception. Why did they do this? Because he was claiming to be God. The Jews understood exactly what he was saying (see Exodus. 3:14-15 in a real Bible). They understood he was claiming to be God and thought he was guilty of blasphemy. Stoning was the punishment due for someone guilty of blasphemy. This is why they immediately picked up stones to kill him. Jehovah's Witnesses, why would the people have wanted to kill him simply because he said "I have been"?
To further prove their translation is a deception, all someone has to do is see how they translated this Greek in another place. In the same exact book and in the same exact chapter, Jesus said these exact same words! Look at John 8:24 in their 1985 Kingdom Interlinear Translation. They translated the exact same words correctly here as "I am"!
Their 2013 Gray New World Translation does not have any notes about why they translated John 8:58 this way. If they were honest, they would at least put a footnote in their Bible so the reader would have a better understanding of what happened. Apparently, they think it is more important to clarify something about Satan rather than Jesus. They chose to place a footnote on the same page that clarifies how "since he began" could also mean "from the beginning" when the verse is about Satan!

- John 14:14 : John 14:14 in their 1969 Kingdom Interlinear Translation proves they removed the word 'me'. A word for word literal translation would be something like, "if ever anything you should ask me in the name of me, this shall I do". If they had let the text unaltered, it would mean we can pray to Jesus himself in his name. They changed the text to fit their doctrine since they do not believe Jesus is God and he should not be prayed to.
- Acts 20:28 : They inserted the word 'Son' into the text even though on the left side it is nowhere to be found. They inserted this word because they don't want anyone to know that God came in the flesh and purchased with his own blood. Their original 1950 Version of Acts 20:28 included the word 'Son' in brackets. Their current 2013 Version of Acts 20:28 has no brackets or footnotes at all!
- 1 Corinthians 10:4 : They changed the text from saying the rock was Jesus to the rock meant Jesus. Why? Because they are trying to hide that Jesus is Jehovah from the old testament. Someone could prove Jesus is Jehovah by comparing to Exodus 17:6. There is says that while in the desert, Jehovah was literally standing on the rock. There are cross references linking both scriptures together. So there is no question they are related to each other. So in one verse it says Jehovah was there, but in another it says Jesus was there. Both are true, because Jesus is Jehovah in the flesh.
1 Corinthians 10:9 :
They have committed deception multiple ways in connection with this verse.
- They render the word 'Kyrios' as Jehovah instead of 'Lord'. In their Interlinear translation, it shows the same word that they have translated numerous times as 'Lord' in regards to Jesus! They pick and choose when to translate this word correctly. The reason they have it here as Jehovah and not Lord is because someone could prove Jesus is Jehovah by comparing other scriptures. For example, they have a cross reference to Deuteronomy 6:16 and Numbers 21:6 which are about Jehovah. These scriptures are related with Exodus 17:7 which is also about Jehovah. So if they had translated correctly with Lord (Jesus) in 1 Corinthians 10:9, this would mean Jesus was the one who was tempted and sent the serpents. Which would mean Jesus is Jehovah God.
- They have a footnote pointing to Appendix A5 to support their translation. If you go there though, all it talks about is the divine name being restored in the new testament and supporting reasons for why they think the Tetragrammaton was in the original Greek text. There is no hard evidence, but only speculation. Assuming they are even correct, they say nothing about why they fail to translate 'Kyrios' as Jehovah every time! They explain it as if they diligently translated 'Kyrios' as Jehovah throughout the entire New Testament, which is far from the truth. For example, they say "It uses the name Jehovah a total of 237 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures". It is not until someone actually researches a little bit that they learn this word occurs in the New Testament more than 700 times though. They translate the word as Jehovah only a small fraction of the time. They translate the word differently depending on how convenient it is for them and whether or not it is in agreement with their false doctrine. Yet, at the end of Appendix A5 they said their translators "have a deep respect for the divine name and a healthy fear of removing anything that appeared in the original text". This is deceptive wording for 2 reasons. First, if they had a deep respect and healthy fear for the divine name, they would consistently translate 'Kyrios' as Jehovah each and every time. Secondly, they could never be guilty of 'removing' anything since all they provided was speculation and the Tetragrammaton actually does not appear in any of the New Testament manuscripts. Even if it had originally appeared, they would not be 'removing' anything since this was already done centuries ago. You cannot remove anything that has already been removed. They use wording like this throughout the Appendix A5 to portray to readers that they are honest and scholarly, but it is all deception once someone does the research.
- They also conveniently fail to mention that some manuscripts of 1 Corinthians 10:9 use the word 'Christos' (Christ) and not 'Kyrios' (Lord). Which means in other manuscripts more detail was provided by showing who the Lord is. Of course, the NWT has no mention to this in their footnotes or Appendix A5. They not only disregard other manuscripts which detail specifically that this is Christ, but they do not even translate the word as Lord.
- 2 Corinthians 13:5 : In their own Kingdom Interlinear Translation, on the right side it says "in union with you" but on the left side this is nowhere to be found. It only says "in you". They intentionally changed the thought completely. Saying "in union with you" is completely different than "in you". They dont believe Jesus can live inside anyone so this is why they intentionally made this change.
- 2 Peter 1:1 : In their own Kingdom Interlinear Translation, on the right side it shows they inserted the word 'the' in brackets. In their 2013 version of 2 Peter 1:1, they have the word 'the' in the text with no brackets and no footnote explaining why it was added. This is another example of the evolution of their so-called Bible. The reason why they added 'the' is because it now looks as if there are two separate persons instead of one. If they had let the text unaltered, it would mean Jesus is our God and Savior.
- Colossians 1:16-17 : They inserted the word 'other' 4 times even though the words are not in the original text. They changed 'all things' to 'all other things' which is a different thought than what the real text means. This was intentionally done to hide that Jesus is God. For example, someone could compare this to Isaiah 44:24 which says Jehovah made everything alone and by himself. So if they were to translate correctly, it would mean Jesus is God since he created ALL things. Not only did they insert the word 'other' 4 times, but in their new Bible they removed the brackets, which would indicate this was an added word, and they also provide no footnotes explaining why the word was added. As a result, the average reader of their 2013 NWT will not even have a clue this is an incorrect translation. However, in their own Kingdom Interlinear Translation of Colossians 1:16-17, it is clear that the word 'other' is nowhere in the original text and they have the word 'other' in brackets. This is yet another example of how their so-called Bible has evolved over the years to deceive people.
- 'Should You Believe in the Trinity?' Magazine : This might be one of the most deceptive publications ever produced by the Jehovah's Witnesses. They intentionally take quotes out of context and misquote references. Supposedly, the Trinity is pagan & false, but yet they put much effort into deceiving people so they will not believe in it. Only a desperate organization would resort to such tactics.
The WatchTower will have you believe that there is nowhere else to go other than them. They say they have the only true religion and all other Christians are corrupt. This is a big LIE. There are many other good churches you could be attending. Churches that are actually not boring. Churches that teach right from the Bible without hundreds of supplemental publications that need read. Churches that don't tell you exactly what to read, exactly what to ask yourself, and exactly what the answers to those questions are. If going to Church for fellowship and worship is what you want to do, there are many other alternatives.
Actually, going to Church is not even a requirement to be saved. The WatchTower will have you believe that you need to go to multiple meetings a week at the Kingdom Hall, study, go to field service, and things like this. In reality, a saved Christian will do these works and other works naturally, but not because they are a requirement for salvation. Works like these are evidence of faith one already has. They accompany faith naturally and should never be forced upon someone. Salvation is a free gift from God and Jesus did everything for us by dying for us. If salvation must be worked for, it is no longer free then. This all should not be interpreted as an easy way out though and God's grace is not a license to sin and live however one wants to. See the verses below regarding salvation and good works. You will see biblical proof that the Jehovah's Witnesses over-complicate salvation.
Many Jehovah's Witnesses will simply give up on everything and become spiritually dead once they leave. If you give up like this, the enemy has still won! You would just be jumping from a big lie to something just as bad. To summarize, never give up on God or his Word. Follow the Bible and what it says and don't let a man-made religion tell you otherwise. Please consider the below suggested points and compare them with the verses listed below.
- Make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.
- Believe and have faith in the Jesus Christ of the Bible. Not a false Jesus taught by the JWs and Mormons.
- Make it your goal to know Jesus more and more as time goes on.
- Ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
- Go get a real Bible that has been translated by real scholars and read it for yourself.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to clear up any parts of the Bible that you don't understand.
- Pray continually and seek God's guidance in life.
- Matthew 11:30 - The yoke of Jesus is easy and light. Being a true Christian should not weigh you down and it should not be hard. Yes, there may be times of persecution, but God will get us through it and true Christians have peace of mind knowing they are secure in Jesus. The Jehovah's Witnesses are weighed down with endless literature that needs studied, multiple meetings a week, field service, and other responsibilities. There is always constant guilt of never doing enough and the ungodly fear of Armageddon.
- John 6:28-29 - Having faith in Jesus is the only work we need to do according to Jesus himself!
- John 13:34-35 - Jesus said that all will know his disciples by the love they have for themselves. Jehovah's Witnesses have a false love. It's a love that only lasts as long as someone keeps going to all the meetings. It's a love that only lasts as long as the JW agrees with everything being taught. As soon as a JW gets busy and stops making it to all the meetings, they will often be gossipped about and called such terms as 'falling away' and 'inactive'. As soon as a JW decides they no longer want to be a part of the organization, they lose all their so-called friends and even family. This is a false love.
- Acts 16:31 - Paul and Silas answered the jailer's question and said plainly that if he believes in the Lord Jesus that he would be saved. It does not say 'first come meet with us and start studying'. It does not say 'take in some knowledge and then go preach with us first'. It does not say a single word about the name Jehovah at all. It says believe in Jesus. It's very simple to understand and not burdensome.
- Romans 10:9 - If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and have faith that he was raised from the dead then you will be saved. Again, it says nothing about needing to go to meetings, preaching door to door, or any other works.
- Romans 11:6 - God's undeserved kindness (grace) is undeserved and doesn't come from works! You can spend 100 hours a week out in field service and it wouldn't matter. You still wouldn't deserve anything more than a person who spends only 1 hour per week in field service. There are not different degrees of undeserved. Undeserved is always undeserved. This contradicts the Watchtower which has told all JWs that they MUST go out to field service as a requirement for salvation.
- Ephesians 2:8-9 - We are saved by God's undeserved kindness (grace) through faith. We are not saved because of works, but because of a gift from God.
- Titus 3:5 - We are saved because of God's mercy and not because of any good works we did.
- James 1:27 -
The form of worship that God considers clean is to take care of orphans and widows in their time of need and to be without spot from the world.
The Jehovah's Witness religion fails this because they barely even take care of their fellow JWs who are in need.
Helping orphans and widows is something a typical JW would not even think of doing.
The Watchtower even has talked down about charities and recommended that their members not donate to charities.
IMPORTANT NOTE : The Watchtower has intentionally mistranslated this verse to read "form of worship" instead of 'religion'. Look at any reputable Bible and it is translated as 'religion' and not 'form of worship'. They do this to keep people from realizing that they don't need the JW religion at all. The Bible defines the religion that God considers as a clean religion and it is not them, so they simply did what they do best and changed it. At least they have a note at the bottom though. - 1 John 3:23 - We have only one commandment and that is to have faith in the name of Jesus Christ and to love one another. Notice that the name 'Jehovah' was not even mentioned. Knowing or using the name 'Jehovah' is not a commandment. Going out to field service and working as a slave for a man-made corporation is also not a commandment too.
- 1 John 5:3 - God's commandments are not burdensome. Jehovah's Witnesses, can you honestly say that being a Jehovah's Witness is not burdensome? You are required to go to field service and be free affiliates for the Watchtower. They do not compensate you for your gas money, miles on your car, or for your time. You are required to keep records so you can hand in a monthly report for your field service activity. You are supposed to study endless publications from the Watchtower. You are supposed to attend multiple meetings a week even if you have a hard work schedule or are very busy. You are supposed to perform other actions like commenting at the meetings, preparing and giving 'talks', and so on. Can you honestly say this is not burdensome? Or do you lie to yourself and say that you actually want and like doing these things?
- 1 John 5:12 - Whoever has Jesus, has everlasting life. Whoever does not have Jesus, does not have everlasting life. The Jehovah's Witnesses do not have Jesus because they do not even know him. They do not believe he is God Almighty in the flesh but rather that he is a created being called Michael the Archangel. They believe in a Jesus, but not the biblical Jesus. The average JW also does not believe Jesus is their mediator. Only the special JWs who claim to be the 144000 believe Jesus is their mediator. They also ceremonially reject Jesus once a year at their 'memorial' meeting. They claim that only special Jehovah's Witnesses who are the 144000 can partake of the bread and wine. Which clearly contradicts scripture. Their organization has also intentionally corrupted God's Word in regards to Jesus. So they 100% do not meet the basic requirement stated in 1 John 5:12.
Jehovah's Witnesses are adamant that Jesus died on a 'torture stake' and not a cross. They take Matthew 23:24 to a whole new level. For example, they make a big deal about such a topic, but then teach such things like Jesus is Michael the Archangel! There is more proof from the Bible that he died on a cross than there is for the torture stake. Some of the proof is listed below.
- John 20:25 in the NWT says NAILS were used for his hands. Not just 1 nail as the Watchtower believes. Hands stretched horizontally to the sides, as would be the case with a cross, would require more than 1 nail.
- Matthew 27:37 in the NWT says they posted the sign ABOVE HIS HEAD. Notice that it doesn't say 'above his hands' or 'above his arms'. Which would have been necessary if his arms were stretched vertically on a torture stake. Rather, it says "above his head" which is completely accurate if his arms were stretched horizontally on a cross.
- John 19:20 in the NWT also gives us a clue. It says, "MANY OF THE JEWS READ THIS TITLE, because the place where Jesus was nailed to the stake was NEAR THE CITY, and it was WRITTEN IN HEBREW, IN LATIN, AND IN GREEK". These clues suggest that the sign was big. It is saying that many people read the sign since it was near the city and because it was in multiple languages. It wasn't some little sign that could only be read by the followers of Jesus, the religious rulers, and soldiers who were standing up close to Jesus. It was specifically made so that people in the nearby city or passerby to/from the city could read it. There would have been no point in making a sign in 3 languages only to have it read by the people who were up close to Jesus. So the sign had to be big enough to accomplish the goal of it being read by people of the city, which it sucessfully did according to the verse. It at least had to be big enough to adequately contain the phrase in 3 languages and not only 1. Since the sign had to be a good size, there probably would not have been enough room on the torture stake at the top above his vertically stretched arms. Not unless they had a custom-sized torture stake prepared for him in advance. Which would go against what the Bible says since Jesus was taken at night and he was sent to different locations before his death. The Bible implies that the circumstances leading to his death were in haste. Even the sign had to be prepared on the fly. They were not prepared for all this. So they certainly used the same standard length pieces of wood for Jesus as they did for everyone else. This theory lends evidence that Jesus died on a Cross with arms stretched horizontally. Only arms stretched horizontally would have left plenty of room at the top for the big sign!
- John 19:17 and Matthew 27:32 also gives us another clue. In John, it says Jesus carried the torture stake himself as he went out to the place of the skull. However, in Matthew it says that they made Simon carry the torture stake as they went out to the place of the skull. Is this a contradiction? No! Both can be true at the same time. If a cross was used, it could have been in 2 parts - the main pole and the crossbeam. The crossbeam would have slid into the main pole making it more efficient to manage and more portable. So Simon could have been carrying the main part, while Jesus was carrying the crossbeam. In this scenario, both scriptures can be true at the same time. However, these scriptures would be hard to explain if a torture stake was used though. Either Jesus carried it as they went out or Simon carried it as they went out. So we have more evidence that a cross was used.
- Bad Artwork - The Jehovah's Witnesses illustrate in their artwork Jesus having a single nail through his wrists. Not NAILS as John 20:25 states. This is only one example, but there are many examples of this throughout their literature. Also, notice how small the sign is. A sign of this size would not be easily readable to anyone other than people standing directly in front of Jesus. The sign was probably much bigger to have more visibility. See point #3 above.
- 1931 Watchtower Cover - The WatchTower taught the cross for more than half a century! Here is the cover of a 1931 Watchtower as an example. They taught about the cross even after the supposed inspection performed by Christ in 1919. Either Jesus approved of this teaching or the WatchTower is controlled by a bunch of liars. The cross inside a crown is a pagan Freemason symbol. Jehovah's Witnesses, would God really approve of such a thing?
Jehovah's Witnesses are obsessed with the name 'Jehovah'. The majority of JWs really think that nobody else knows this name. What they don't realize is that the very foundation of their religion is based on an invented man-made name. Jehovah's Witnesses, please go look at your own literature and see for yourself whether or not this is the truth.
NWT 1950 Edition, Foreword, Page 25 : They admit 'Yahweh' as more correct, admit that they use 'Jehovah' because of people's familiarity with the name, and admit that this familiarity starts from the 14 century!

Here are some other places to check. Jehovah's Witnesses, please check these for yourself in your own library or at your Kingdom Hall's library.
- You Can Live Forever On A Paradise On Earth, page 43 : They admit that we have no way of knowing which vowels are used in God's name. So inventions like 'Johevah' and 'Jehavoh' are both as accurate as Jehovah!
- Aid To Bible Understanding, 1971, pages 884-885 : Starting at the end of page 884 (not shown), they said, "The first recorded use of this form dates from the thirteeth" and then it continues on to page 885 (shown). There the WatchTower goes on to admit that the word 'Jehovah' was invented by a Spanish Monk in the 13 century.
- 1972 Byington Bible, The Bible In Living English, Page 7 : The WatchTower owns the copyright and publishing rights to this translation. On page 7, it says originally the name 'Jehovah' was a blunder.
- May 1, 1978 Watchtower, page 12 : The WatchTower admits that nobody even knows the correct pronunciation of God's name. They make such a big deal out of knowing God's name, yet it is impossible for them to pronounce it. They could just as easily be called 'Yahweh's Witnesses' or some other variant.
- December 1, 1983 Watchtower, page 5 : The WatchTower once again admits that nobody even knows the correct pronunciation of God's name.
The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Holy Spirit is not God and that it is an 'it' and not a person. They believe it is just God's active force, similar to electricity. These are all lies. See some proof from their own Bible that the Holy Spirit is God.
- Romans 8:11 : Here it says the SPIRIT RAISED JESUS. However, the Bible elsewhere clearly says that GOD RAISED JESUS. See Acts 2:24, Acts 2:32, Acts 3:15, Acts 3:26, Acts 4:10, Acts 5:30, Acts 10:40, Acts 13:30-37, Romans 4:24, Romans 6:4, Romans 10:9, 1 Corinthians 6:14, Galations 1:1, Ephesians 1:17-20, Colossians 2:12, and 1 Peter 1:21.
- John 4:24 : John 4:24 from the New World Translation says God is a Spirit. Take note of the capital 'S' which indicates it is a noun. The verse also has a footnote pointing to 2 Corinthians 3:17.
- 2 Corinthians 3:17 : 2 Corinthians 3:17 from the NWT clearly shows that Jehovah is 'the Spirit'. Notice it is with a capital 'S' too. The Spirit is the spirit of Jehovah. There is also a footnote pointing back to John 4:24. How much clearer could this possibly be???
- Acts 5:3-4 : Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit in verse 3. Then in verse 4 it says he lied to God! Therefore, the Holy Spirit is God. Anyways, if the Holy Spirit is not a person and it is just an 'it', how can it even be lied to?
- Acts 28:25-27 : Paul quotes the Old Testament from Isaiah. Paul says the Holy Spirit said this. There is a footnote in the NWT pointing to Isaiah 6:9-10. It is clear from verse 8 that Jehovah said this. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is Jehovah!
- Hebrews 3:7-11 : There is a quote from the Old Testament. The quote is taken from Psalms. The NWT has multiple footnotes pointing back to Psalms 95:7-11. In Hebrews it says the Holy Spirit said it, but in Psalms Jehovah said it. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is Jehovah.
The Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the concept of the Trinity. It is not possible for them to believe since they reject Jesus Christ as being God and they reject the Holy Spirit as being God. Their Bible has been perverted to deceive everyone, but there are still places they failed to change or remove. See the other sections in this website for proof that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are both God. This specific topic though will deal with the plurality of God. There are many verses proving this concept, but the JW's will explain them saying God is talking about Angels or something similar. The below examples are ones they have no answers for or would at least have a hard time explaining away. All this comes right from the New World Translation by the WatchTower!
- Genesis 19:24 - Jehovah made it rain sulfur and fire from Jehovah. There are 2 Jehovah's here.
By reading the previous context this can be proven too. For example, Jehovah was physically standing before Abraham in Genesis 18:22.
So the Jehovah that was on Earth called down fire from the Jehovah in heaven. Jehovah is plural God according to the New World Translation.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need to go to a version prior to their 2013 version to prove this! They changed both Genesis 18:22 and Genesis 19:24 in their 2013 New World Translation. Both verses have had thought changes performed. For Genesis 18:22, they changed it from Jehovah physically standing before Abraham to Jehovah simply remaining with Abraham. Which could be then interpreted to mean that only Jehovah's presence was with Abraham, but not he himself. They don't want people realizing that Jehovah was in two different places at the same time. And for Genesis 19:24, they changed it from two Jehovah's to one Jehovah. - Exodus 17:5-6 - It says Jehovah would be standing on the rock. This passage not only contradicts the JW teaching of Jehovah only living in heaven, but it also proves the concept of the Trinity. Compare 1 Corinthians 10:4 which says Jesus was the rock! There are cross references linking both scriptures together. So there is no question they are related to each other. Notice how they try and dilute this text by saying the rock "meant" Jesus. No, he WAS the rock! Now, look at the prior context in Exodus. There was a cloud (God the Spirit) who was with them. For example, see Exodus 14:24. So we have 3 separate entities all present at the same time. Two of which specifically identify as Jehovah in Exodus. There is Jehovah who was standing on the rock, Jesus who was the rock, and the cloud who was Jehovah.
- Isaiah 42:8 - Jehovah shares his glory with no one! This is confirmed in Isaiah 48:11. So it is perfectly clear that Jehovah shares his glory with no one. However, Jesus received God's glory. See John 17:5 where Jesus requested glorification from God and claimed he shared in God's glory before. Also, according to Revelation 5:12-13, the Lamb (Jesus) received glory and worship alongside God. The Bible is not full of contradictions and lies. God is plural and Jesus himself is God too!
- Isaiah 44:6 - There are 2 Jehovah's in this verse. Yet, they are both one and referred to as the 'first and the last'.
- Amos 4:11 - Jehovah is speaking and he says "Like God's overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah".
- Matthew 28:19 - It says to be baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Notice how the word 'name' is singular. It does not say 'names'. So the single name is shared by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Also, this verse proves the JW teaching of the Holy Spirit not being alive or a person as completely false. Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the Holy Spirit is just God's active force, similar to electricity. According to them, it is neither alive or a person. So if this teaching is true, we are to be baptized in the name of an unliving active force. Not only that, but this unliving active force somehow has a personal name, just like the Father and Son do. It makes no sense! The Holy Spirit is alive and a person. This is why we are to be baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit. It is why the Holy Spirit even has a personal name to begin with. And it is why the Holy Spirit is mentioned along with God the Father and God the Son, who are both alive.
Lastly, this verse proves the Jehovah's Witnesses perform invalid baptisms. The Jehovah's Witnesses baptize in the name of 'God's spirit directed organization' and not in the name of the Holy Spirit. They have replaced the Holy Spirit with their organization. Which contradicts Jesus' own words in this verse. - John 10:30 - Jesus and God the Father are one.
- John 12:45 - Whoever has seen Jesus has seen the one (Jehovah God) who sent him.
- John 14:8-9 - Philip wanted to see the Father because he still didn't get the point of what Jesus had just said. Jesus answered back in a way to show that Philip's statement was dull. He plainly said that whoever saw Jesus has seen the Father.
- Revelation 3:21 - Both Jehovah and Jesus sit on the same throne.
- Revelation 5:6 - God's Spirit is present with the Lamb in verse 6. Continue reading to Revelation 5:13-14 and it shows Jehovah and the Lamb receiving worship. So we can see that God's Spirit (Holy Spirit), the Lamb (Jesus), and Jehovah (God the Father) are receiving the exact same worship, at the same exact time, from the same exact elders.
- Revelation 22:1-4 - There is a single throne occupied by both Jehovah and Jesus at the same time. The singular words 'him' and 'his' are used even though Jehovah and the Lamb (Jesus) are mentioned. Verse 4 has a cross reference back to Revelation 3:21 which also mentions both Jehovah and Jesus sitting on the same throne.
The Jehovah's Witnesses often use invalid arguments in debating. Some of their same arguments can even be used against them to prove they are wrong. Some examples of these invalid arguments are below.
- Jesus cannot be God because he is the Son.
Saying Jesus cannot be God because he is the 'Son of God' would be the same as saying Jesus cannot be man since he is the 'Son of Man'. We can all agree that Jesus was a man though. So if Jesus is able to be a man since he is the 'Son of Man' then he is able to be God since he is the 'Son of God'. Any other reasoning would be inconsistent. Anyways, human logic is not the final authority. The Bible, which is God's Word, is the final authority. - Jesus cannot be God since he is the 'firstborn' (Colossians 1:15).
1) Firstborn here does not mean made or created first. It is a term related to position, authority, and status. The Bible has the term 'firstborn' in other verses and it has nothing to do with being born (created) first. For example, David was firstborn, but he was actually the last born. Another example is how Jacob was the firstborn, but he actually was not born first. The context of Colossians itself proves this point. It is talking about Christ's Supremacy. Of course, the Watchtower knows all this and it is why they have perverted this text by adding the word 'other' multiple times in Colossians chapter 1.
2) The term 'firstborn' was used in a prophecy about Jesus located in Psalms. See Psalms 89:27 where it says David would be placed as firstborn even after he already existed. Psalms 89 has it's final fulfillment with Jesus Christ himself! Jesus, who is in the line of David, is the king of kings, he is the ruler over all the kings of the earth, and he will rule forever. So Jesus, who is in the line of David and who fulfilled the prophecy about David, had the term firstborn placed on him and it has nothing to do with him being created. Psalms 89 also agrees with point 1 above because it links the term firstborn with position, authority, and status.
3) The term 'firstborn' can also apply to Jesus because he literally is the Son of God born by the Holy Spirit (God). See Romans 8:29 where it says Jesus would be firstborn among many brothers. It's talking about humans here. Again, this verse has nothing to do with Jesus being created. The term here is in reference to his Earthly life. He was born by the Spirit just like we too are all to be born by the Spirit in his likeness.
4) The term 'firstborn' in Revelation 1:5 is linked to Jesus death as a human. It says "firstborn from the dead". Again, it has nothing to do with being made or created first. This verse also agrees with point 1 above and links the term 'firstborn' with position, authority, and status since it says Jesus is the Ruler of the kings of the Earth. - Jesus cannot be God because he never said he is God.
Jesus never said he is Michael the Archangel. Jesus never even said directly he is the Son of God, but we all know he is. - The 'Trinity' cannot be true since it has pagan history.
So does the Jehovah's Witness religion! Look at your own religion before using this argument. If Charles Taze Russell were alive today, he would be disfellowshipped in a heartbeart. Also, this website clearly shows how your organization has used pagan symbols in their publications and continues to do so to this very day.
Your argument is simply invalid because Satan likes to mimic and counterfeit God. Of course, he will take a Biblical concept and twist it to mislead others later. It's what he does! For example, here is a source the WatchTower organization uses to prove the Trinity as having pagan origins. Yet, this very same book says many aspects of Christianity - even the beliefs held by Jehovah's Witnesses - have pagan origins.
Here are some examples:
- Mary is not the name of Jesus' mother
- The virgin birth of Jesus is pagan
- Bible influenced by Attis
- Bible influenced by Mithra
- Satan isn't real
So if you want to make the argument that the Trinity cannot be true because it has pagan origins, you must also stop believing that Jesus was born from a virgin, that the mother of Jesus was called Mary, and so on. - The 'Trinity' cannot be true because the word never appears in the Bible.
(Example #1)
(Example #2)
Neither do many words we use. The word 'Jehovah' is not even in the Bible. It is an invented word, which your own organization has admitted multiple times (see other section of website for details). The word 'Trinity' is just a word that everybody is familiar with. You can call it whatever you want (eg. threefold nature of God, plurality, etc). What is important is the CONCEPT of the trinity. The concept of the trinity is clearly in the Bible. - The 'Trinity' is something nobody can understand and therefore it cannot be true.
To start off, the 'Trinity' is not something millions of Christians just one day wake up and decide to believe in. There are tons of verses to prove the Trinity. Many of which can be found on this website. The hard proof taken from God's Word, in clear black and white, is why this is considered basic Christian doctrine. Without the concept of the Trinity, the Bible would not be in complete harmony and in agreement with itself. Of course, anyone can take some scriptures and isolate them to prove or disprove anything. Your religion is notorious for doing this. Doing this is not the correct method for formulating doctrine though. After studying the Bible as a WHOLE, the Trinity doctrine is proven correct.
Now, let's just pretend that your claim is true and nobody infact understands the concept. What's your point? There are literally tons of things we do not understand in life, but which still exist and are true. Human logic is not the final authority. God is not limited as we are and he is infinite in power and understanding. So naturally, there will be topics that are hard to understand or confusing. So your argument is invalid for that reason alone.
That being said, the concept can be understood and here is an attempt to explain the concept. There are 3 distinct 'persons' that make up the one being of God - Father, Son, and, Spirit. In other words, God is a plural being. A single being having plurality is not a crazy concept to believe in since it is mentioned elsewhere in the Bible. Here are some examples:
- Man has 3 aspects to his being - Body, Soul, and Spirit. See 1 Thessalonians 5:23 as one proof of this. We are a single being made in the likeness of the Trinity! Your organization rejects this basic concept of course.
- Another example can be found in Revelation chapters 12 & 13. There is a single beast described there with multiple heads. Each head is distinct and a 'person', yet they all belong to the same beast.
- There is a beast with 4 heads in Daniel 7:6. Each of the 4 heads are a separate 'person', but they all belong to the same beast.
- In Ezekiel 1, there are living creatures with 4 faces and 4 sides. Each of the sides and faces represent a distinct 'person', yet they all belong to the same living creature.
- Marriage between a man and a woman is another example. The marriage is made up of 3 distinct parties - Husband, Wife, and God. So there are 3 distinct parties in the marriage, but it is still a single unit of marriage. Without one of the parties, marriage would no longer be marriage. There is a reason the Bible is clear that God hates divorce. And there is a reason the Bible is clear about how the structure of marriage should be like. It is because we are created in God's image and marriage reflects the Trinity. This is one of the reasons Satan tries so hard to ruin marriages and even to redefine marriage.
- Matter, Space, and Time
- Solid, Liquid, and Gas
- Light, Sound, Heat - Notice the parallels to the descriptions of God found in the Bible. God the Father is described as light. See 1 John 1:5, 1 Timothy 6:16, and Psalms 27:1. Jesus is called the Word(Sound). See John 1:1,14. The Spirit is described as Fire(Heat). See 1 Thessalonians 5:19, Isaiah 4:4, Acts 2:3-4, and Matthew 3:11.
- Past, Present, Future - Notice how this sounds like God. He is called the "first and last" and "Alpha and Omega". He is also said to be "who is, and who was, and who is to come".
- Length, Width, and Height
- Mind, Will, Emotions
- The Trinity doctrine was invented in the 4th century.
This is simply not true. This is a rumor that is based on partial information. Perform fair and unbiased research outside the JW organization and you will see this argument is incorrect. The only history that really needs reviewed is the Bible itself. If it's in the Bible, that's all we need! In the very first book of the Bible, the concept of the Trinity is stated multiple times.
For example, in Genesis 19:24, Jehovah made it rain sulfur and fire from Jehovah. There are 2 Jehovah's here. This is confirmed by reading the previous context too. Jehovah was physically standing before Abraham in Genesis 18:22. So the Jehovah that was on Earth called down fire from the Jehovah in heaven.
You will need to go to a version prior to the 2013 version to see this! Both Genesis 18:22 and Genesis 19:24 have been changed in the 2013 New World Translation as an attempt to cover this up. For Genesis 18:22, they changed it from Jehovah physically standing before Abraham to Jehovah simply remaining with Abraham. Which could be then interpreted to mean that only Jehovah's presence was with Abraham, but not he himself. They don't want people realizing that Jehovah was in two different places at the same time. And for Genesis 19:24, they changed it from two Jehovah's to one Jehovah. - You are wrong because we have the truth!
Jehovah's Witnesses, just because you hear how you have the truth a thousand times per year doesn't make it the truth. The Jehovah's Witness religion has bad history, has made false prophecies, has perverted God's word, has been deceptive, and has lied many times. Considering the reasons just mentioned, there is biblical proof that it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be the true religion. - We have the most accurate Bible translation in existence.
Your own Kingdom Interlinear Translation proves in multiple places how the WatchTower has intentionally altered scripture to fit their teachings. Your prior Bible versions can also prove the same thing when compared to the new 2013 version. Furthermore, the so-called translators remain secret to this day. When asked why this is the case, a JW will say it is to keep glory from going to the translators. Which is an excuse. The names of more important Jehovah's Witnesses do not remain secret. For example, the governing body members are all known. The so-called translators are the only ones that remain secret. You can take any well known Bible and you can find the translators responsible. For example, the new NET Bible has a list of professional scholars and translators with their actual names, credentials, and education. The NET includes more than 29000 translation notes to explain why verses were translated the way they were. This is complete transparency. Unlike the New World Translation which is secretive and deceptive. - Jesus is 'Mighty God' but not 'Almighty God'
First, this contradicts multiple scriptures like Isaiah 44:6-8 which clearly says there is only one God and there is no other God. So 'Mighty God' and 'Almighty God' must be referring to the same God if the scriptures are true. Secondly, Jehovah himself in your own Bible is called 'Mighty God'. See Isaiah 10:20-21, which is only one chapter after Isaiah 9:6, where Jesus is called 'Mighty God'. - You cannot know someone unless you know their name.
By your own admission then, you don't know your own God. According to your own Watchtower organization, they do not know God's name and say it is impossible for anyone to know God's true name. There is a section on this website dedicated to this topic. Therefore, by using this argument, you are admitting that you don't truly know your own God.
The Bible shows us that it is possible to know God without knowing his name. See Exodus 6:2-4 where it says that Jehovah appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but he never revealed his name to them. Yet, not only did they know him, but God made a covenant with them!
All one needs to do is consider some real life situations to see that a name has no relation to whether you know someone or not. Would a father accept his child calling him by his first name? Most likely not. A formal title such as 'Father', 'Papa', 'Dad', or 'Daddy' would be acceptable though. Does this mean the child does not know his own father? Absolutely not! Yet, this is the very same thing you are saying about God the Father who you claim to love. Now, if a human Father would not want a child calling him by his real name, how much more would God, who is infinite in power, not want us to call him by his real name?
Or let's say you went to school with someone for years during childhood. Years later, you see that person at the supermarket from the distance and say "I know him". You can recall childhood memories in great detail of playing together at school and talking with that person. Yet, you no longer can remember the person's name! You would still say that you know him though.
Or let's say someone gets a legal name change. You could know a person intimately for years, but if they were to get their name changed, it would not prevent you from knowing that person and it doesn't mean you would know that person any less.
Or let's say someone goes by a false name or a nick name. You could know someone for years and call them by a name that is not actually their real name. It would not mean you know that person any less.
- Matthew 6:9 proves we need to pray to God in his personal name.
First, if this prayer is to be taken as instruction for praying to the Father in his personal name, then why didn't Jesus do this himself? He did not do this, but only ever said "Father". Considering this is a model prayer, Jesus failed to do the job, if JW logic is true. Unless you want to make the argument that Jesus did actually use the name of God, but it was then removed and replaced by the word 'Father'. If that is so, then the entire integrity of the bible has been compromised. This argument opens the door to other things being changed in the Bible too. If Almighty God would allow for the most important word to be removed and changed, then there must be many other things that have removed or changed too! In such case, we would not be able to trust anything in the Bible then. So this argument is a dangerous one. Of course, none of this has ever happened and the Bible has complete integrity. So Jesus used the word 'Father' here.
Secondly, Jesus prayed that the Father's name be sanctified or hallowed depending on what translation you use. This means to be made set apart or more holy. That's all the text says. Actually, this had already happened on Earth and the prayer was for the continuation of this. We know that the Jews considered this name so holy that they were afraid to even use it. So the prayer was for the continuation of this. Just like he showed us to pray for other things we already have like receiving daily bread. Taking this verse and saying this means we need to use God's personal name in prayer is a twisting of text. The text simply doesn't say this. Oddly, the verse you use for your argument is the same verse you are working hard against. Should we sanctify God's name by inserting it into places where it does not exist in the original text? Should we sanctify God's name by doing a poor inconsistent job of inserting it into the Bible, as your organization has done? Should we sanctify God's name by using a false invented name as a best replacement for his name? Should we sanctify God's name by spreading it around the world all over the place as if it were a common everyday word? These are exactly the same things you people are doing! You are working against the prayer of Jesus.
Lastly, the Bible clearly says what name is above every name and by what name we are to be saved. That name is Jesus! There are multiple verses to prove this. Which the JW religion has purposely changed by doing things like adding the word 'other' where it doesn't belong. Also, read the other section of this website about the name Jehovah. You will see that this is an invented name and nobody knows the Father's real name. The JWs just use this name to set themselves as different from other religions. It serves as company branding for their corporation. - We are the only true worshippers of Jehovah!
Do you mean how you sit through a few boring meetings a week and day dream about what you will do when it's all over? Or maybe you mean how you force yourself to go out in field service to 'help' spiritually vulnerable people, but avoid even answering simple questions from people who actually know their Bible? Or maybe you mean how you read endless Watchtower publications that have ever-changing teachings? This is NOT true worship. And it is so sad if you think God, who is all-powerful and all-knowing, would be pleased with such things.
The Bible defines what God accepts as true worship. For example, James 1:27 which Jehovah's Witnesses fail. Do you help those hungry in your community? No, you do not. However, those you call 'Christendom' offer free food and other help to anyone in need. Many people can just walk up to a church and be handed a meal without ever even being asked for identification! Jehovah's Witnesses barely even help people in their own congregation. Even when there are natural disasters in the world, Jehovah's Witnesses send help, but it is only in return for something. That is, more recognition and more conversions. And those they help are mainly fellow JWs anyways.
According to John 4:24, God wants us to worship in spirit and truth. Jehovah's Witnesses fail this as well. You do not believe that the Holy Spirit is God. You do not believe that the Holy Spirit is even alive. You do not believe that we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. Secondly, you do not have the truth because your truth has been evolving since the very beginning. What you consider as truth now, may be false in another year or so. You do not even read a true Bible. Your so-called Bible has been made by secret translators who cannot even be investigated. Your Bible disagrees with so many translations made by real scholars and real translators. Your Bible itself has been evolving from the beginning. It is biased and deceptive without a doubt.
To summarize, you don't help others in need as you should and fail the worship defined in James 1:27. You don't worship in spirit because you don't believe in the Spirit described in the Bible. You don't worship in truth because you never had the truth. Your truth is a counterfeit truth that always needs updated and changed. So you fail John 4:24 also. Your organization is guilty of changing God's Word, making false prophecies, and lying. There is absolutely no way you truly worship God. - All old WatchTower publications don't matter since they show 'old light'. We update our teachings as the light gets brighter and brighter.
By saying this, you are saying Jehovah is a liar then. If old false teachings can simply be changed and replaced due to 'new light' that 'gets brighter and brighter' then it is possible that what you believe now is false and will need changed later as well. In this case, Jehovah would be directly responsible for spreading false information not only to his true organization, but to all the people JWs meet out in the streets in field service. So either Jehovah is a liar or your organization is false and not being directed by God.
The 'new light' you claim to have is NOT a light that gets brighter and brighter. You have totally different lights. To prove this, all someone needs to do is look at your organization's track record. For example, you have gone from believing in the cross, to not believing in the cross. You have gone from believing Jesus can be worshipped, to Jesus can never be worshipped. You have gone from Jesus is not Michael the Archangel, to Jesus is Michael the Archangel. The list goes on and on. These 3 examples contain teachings that are completely opposite to each other. If you do the research and still think you have a light that is getting brighter and brighter, you are in denial. Now, since Jehovah has been directing your organization since the beginning, he must have lied in each of the 3 examples above. Either he lied before or he is lying now. So if you maintain your position, you are calling your Jehovah a liar.
Just to reinforce the point with common sense, let's imagine we are 50 years into the future and a JW makes this very same argument that you are making now. At that time, what the WatchTower teaches may not even seem recognizable to you now. Just like the current WatchTower teachings would not be recognizable to older generation Jehovah's Witnesses. Would that future JW's argument also be true? If you answer 'yes', what you believe now is completely irrelevant and a waste of time! If you answer 'no', your argument that you are making now cannot be true too.
- Proverbs 8:22-30 proves Jesus was created and had a beginning.
This cannot be true for multiple reasons:
- It is talking about Wisdom. Proverbs 8 does not mention Son of God, Jesus, Messiah, etc... There are no titles that are connected to Jesus here.
- Wisdom is being personified. JWs love to pick and choose what is personified in the Bible and what is not. For example, there are tons of verses to prove the Holy Spirit is alive and a person (eg. Matt. 12:31, Eph. 4:30, 1 Cor. 12:11, 1 Cor. 2:11, John 14:26, Acts 8:29; 13:2, and Rom. 8:26), but you reject them all due to personification of the Holy Spirit. However, for a single passage in Proverbs 8, you do not see this as personification of Wisdom. Instead, you ignore personification here and say this is proof that Jesus was created, even though Jesus is nowhere in the text. How convenient!
- The same 'Wisdom' is feminine according to Proverbs 7:4, Proverbs 8:1-3 (in other translations), and Proverbs 9:4. Jesus is not feminine.
- The verb in Proverbs 8:22 does not necessarily mean 'produced' as your Bible renders it. It can also mean 'acquire', 'gain', 'get', and 'possessed'. Now, it can mean 'produced', 'created', and 'formed' as some other translations render the word, but it does not absolutely have to mean these. Your organization is being deceptive by withholding all the meanings this word can have.
- When compared to the surrounding context of Proverbs, God possessing or having wisdom before the foundation of the world seems like a more proper meaning.
- It cannot mean Jesus had a beginning because this would directly contradict other scriptures like Isaiah 9:6 which calls Jesus 'Eternal'. Look up the word 'eternal' in the dictionary and you will see it means having no beginning and no end. So in order for the Bible to be true with no contradictions, Proverbs 8 must have another meaning other than the one you say.
- If wisdom here is Jesus, it would contradict the Bible in another place too. The Bible is clear that Jesus created everything. For example, see Col. 1:16-17 (Note: your organization is being deceptive by adding the word 'other' 4 times which do not belong here and which can be proven with their own Kingdom Interlinear Translation). However, in Proverbs 8:27-29, it says that God "prepared the heavens", that God "established the clouds", and that God "set a decree for the Sea". We can all agree too that the Bible is clear in many other verses that God created everything. So if your teaching is true that Jesus is the Wisdom in Proverbs 8, that Jesus was created first, and that God created all things using Jesus, it would contradict Isaiah 44:24 which says that God created everything ALONE. Of course, the Bible has no contradictions. So your interpretation of Proverbs 8 must be wrong.
- Jehovah had his name put in the Hebrew text of the Bible around 6,828 times and in the Greek New Testament another 237 times.
Regarding the Old Testament, we only have the Tetragrammaton. Which means we only know 4 letters out of God's name. Any name derived from these 4 letters is a pure speculation. Your own organization has admitted multiple times that nobody knows God's true name. The name Jehovah is just an invented word. Furthermore, your Jehovah is supposed to be all-knowing and all-powerful, but yet for some reason, he was not able to keep his true name from being removed from the Bible. What happened? Did he fall asleep? The God of true Christians is all-powerful and all-knowing and if he only provided us with the Tetragrammaton, it's because this is exactly all we need to know! Jesus is the name by which we are saved and is the only name we need to know.
Regarding the New Testament, the name does not even appear a single time in the New Testament. Your organization inserts the word 'Jehovah' for other words like 'kyrios'. Which is the exact same word used for Jesus in many other places! Furthermore, your organization mentions the number 237, but the word appears more than 700 times in the New Testament. Your organization does not even follow their own translation rules. So, your organization has done a horrible job in restoring God's name into the New Testament, even if Jehovah is God's name to begin with.
What is even more disturbing is your organization's claim that God's true name has been removed without trace. As if mere men were able to outmaneuver God. If the most important word has been removed without trace and if all available manuscripts of the New Testament are inaccurate, this undermines the integrity of the entire Bible then. This opens the door for other words to be changed, inserted, or deleted also. Which is exactly what your organization has been doing too. If your reasoning is true, we cannot trust anything we read in the Bible then. - None of this even matters because we work hard and are good people!
If you feel this way, you have missed the whole point then. The Mormons also use your reasoning. It is biblically incorrect though.
Salvation is not based on whether or not someone works hard for God. The Bible is clear that we are not saved based on good works (Isaiah 64:6, John 6:28-29, Romans 11:6, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5). Even if your field service and other works were counted as good, which they are not by the way, you would not be saved because of them.
Salvation is also not based on whether or not someone is 'good'. The Pharisees were also good people. They looked down on others as 'sinners' and were meticulous about following the law. Yet, they did not know Jesus! It is exactly what your organization has done since they teach a false Jesus (eg. Jesus was created/recreated, he is Michael the Archangel, he is not God in the flesh) . You do not know Jesus and therefore cannot accept him, just like the Pharisees. The Pharisees are just one example, but the Bible is full of other examples too. For example, Moses was used even though he was a murderer (Exodus 2:12). Isaiah was a man of unclean lips. In other words, he probably swore and talked dirty, yet God not only chose him to be a prophet, but Isaiah saw God Almighty himself (Isaiah 6:5)! Jesus himself forgave an adulteress(John 8:1-11), he dined with tax collectors and sinners (Matthew 9:10-11), and he said that even tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 21:31).
Now, we should obviously try and be good people and do good works, but our salvation is not based on this. - Daniel 7:13-14 proves Jesus is not God because there is a clear distinction between the two.
Only a fool would believe that God grants access to himself and gives honor and authority to himself.
These verses pose absolutely no problem to our belief. In fact, they agree with our belief and show that you do not properly understand the concept of the Trinity.
Yes, there is clear distinction and thanks for mentioning that part. The Son is not the Father. They are 2 separate persons that share the one being of God. Similar to how a human being has a body, soul, and spirit which share the one being of a human. Since your religion rejects this simple truth, consider other examples found on this website to explain it in more detail. So yes, there is distinction here and nobody is debating that point.
This passage of scripture is a parallel to Revelation. For example, see Rev. chapter 5. There, Jesus (the Lamb) approaches God the Father who is on the thone. He opens the scroll and then receives power, honor, and glory. We should be able to both agree that there is a parallel between Daniel and Revelation here. Now, consider Revelation 5:13-14 which shows that everyone in heaven said the same thing to both the Father and Jesus at the same time. It then concludes by them both being worshipped. This agrees with Revelation 3:21 which clearly says, without any doubt, that Jesus and the Father share the same throne. The same thing is said in Revelation 22:1-4 where it says that both the Father and Jesus share the same throne. So we can see that two distinct persons share the same throne and receive the same praise and worship. This is because they are two distinct persons that share the one being of God. If Jesus receives the same praise and honor as the Father, is worshipped at the same time as the Father, and sits on the same throne as the Father then it means only one thing - Jesus is God Almighty!
We can also look at this from a different angle too. Daniel 7:14 says that Jesus' rulership is everlasting and will never pass away. This agrees with Luke 1:32-33, 2 Peter 1:11, and other verses. These seem to contradict other scriptures such as 1 Corinthians 15:24 though, which clearly says there is a limit to Jesus' rulership. So is there a limit to his rulership or not? Yes and No, depending on how you look at it. If Jesus is considered as God Almighty, it could be said that he rules everlasting since God Almighty rules everlasting. If Jesus is considered with more precision as a distinct person who shares the being of God, then he does have a limit to his rulership since he will at some point hand the rulership over to God the Father. So all scripture is true at the same time and there are no contradictions if Jesus himself is God Almighty. Jesus and God the Father are two distinct persons who both share the one being of God, who reigns everlasting. - Our organization changes it's teachings and translation because is not static, but dynamic.
The problem with this excuse is that other religions can also use the same reasoning to justify anything they have done wrong. For example, the Mormons can say they have a dynamic religion to justify how their Book of Mormon has had thousands of changes made. They can use this excuse to justify many other things that prove their organization to be man-made. If this excuse does not work for them, it cannot work for your organization too. - Jehovah's Witnesses are persecuted and many governments have resorted to persecuting us, including Hitler.
Other groups have been persecuted as well. For example, Mormons were persecuted in early American history. That means they are from God then, right? Muslims believe they have been persecuted in the United States. Are they from God? Your persecution by Hitler is nothing compared to what the Jews went through during that same period. Yet, your organization teaches JW's are the modern-day replacement of the Jews. Why does their persecution not count, but your's does? - You are just attacking our faith and it is a waste of time!
What you view as an attack, we view as necessary and loving work. Your organization can attack other religions and that is okay, right? For example, your organzation can call others "Christendom", "worldly", and "false", but you have no problem with that!
Your argument is simply invalid because anyone can use it. For example, a person attempting to correct or educate a homosexual would be told the same thing. They would say "Don't judge" or "You're persecuting me". Also, if this website was focused on exposing the Mormon religion it would be viewed the same by a Mormon too, but you would have no problem with it.
About this being a waste of time, countless hours have been spent on this project. If even one person is woken up from this, it is well worth it. However, this website has already helped thousands of JW's wake up. So it definitely has not been a waste of time.
The Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe Jesus was physically resurrected in the same sense true Christians do. They believe that Jesus' body dissolved into gases and disappeared or that Jehovah disposed of his body in a similar way. They believe that after 3 days, Jesus was then recreated as a spirit creature called Michael the Archangel. So according to them, there was a time he didn't even exist and also Jesus is not a man now but rather an archangel. They will use certain verses to back up these beliefs, but deny the true meaning of the verses they use. While doing so, they contradict other scriptures too.
The Bible is clear that Jesus was physically resurrected. Which means his physical body was literally raised from the dead. He now has a glorified body which was never recreated from God's memory. What his glorified body means is that it is an improved or upgraded body. This is why he was able to come into the room even though the door was locked. So he has a glorified body, but he is still the same man as before. Jesus is both human and divine. He is both a man and God at the same time. This might sound crazy to Jehovah's Witnesses reading this, but it is biblically true. Remember, true doctine is not made by picking and choosing certain scriptures. True doctine is made after carefully considering all scripture together. Below are some scriptures that prove Jesus was physically resurrected and now has a glorified body of a man.
- John 2:19-21
Jesus told the Jews that if they destroyed this temple that he would raise it again in 3 days. The 'temple' is then defined plainly as his BODY. So Jesus said that he himself would raise his own BODY. This verse is the the most devastating to a JW. First, it means it is impossible for Jesus to have been recreated since it clearly says Jesus raised himself. He had to be existing for it to be possible to raise his own body. Secondly, it proves his resurrection was physical. Lastly, it proves Jesus is God. - Hebrews 6:20
Jesus is a high priest forever who intercedes for us in the order of Melchizedek. A high priest who intercedes for man must also be a man. There is no other way! If Jesus is not a man, it would go against Jewish custom and law. See Hebrews 5:1-10 and Hebrews 7:28 as examples. So in order for Jesus to be our high priest, JESUS HAS TO BE MAN. Therefore, right now he still has the body of a man. - Luke 24:39
Jesus plainly tells them to touch him and he said plainly that a SPIRIT DOES NOT HAVE flesh and bones as he has. Jesus could not have been any more clearer. Apparently, JWs think they know better than Jesus himself about what state he was in. - John 20:25-27
Thomas did not believe Jesus had been resurrected. Jesus later appeared to him and told him to physically TOUCH him. His body had the same marks from the nails that were used in his death. - Luke 24:42-43
Jesus literally ATE FOOD. - 1 Corinthians 15:14-17
It says that if Jesus has not been raised that our faith is in vain. And it says if Jesus has not been raised that our faith is worthless. Notice it does not say if Jesus has not been 'recreated' that our faith is in vain and worthless. It specifically says "RAISED" which means the body he died in was resurrected. Just like when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, it was a physical resurrection. The scripture even compares Jesus being raised to the dead being raised! So Jesus was raised in the same method as all other dead are raised. - Matthew 28:9
People physically GRABBED his feet and worshipped him. - Philippians 3:21
Jesus has a GLORIOUS BODY right now. - Colossians 2:9
It is in Jesus that all the fullness of diety dwells in BODILY FORM. This verse was written after Jesus' ascension to heaven, but yet the word "dwells" is in present tense. This scripture is showing us that Jesus is both God and Man. - 1 Timothy 2:5
There is one Mediator between God and mankind, the MAN Jesus Christ. This verse was written after Jesus' ascension to heaven, but yet the word "is" is in the present tense. So JESUS IS STILL A MAN. - Revelation 1:16-17
Jesus is described here with a mouth, a hand, and feet. Which is further proof that he still has a body in the form of a man. - 1 Cor. 15:42-52
- We can see in verses 42-43 that there are 2 types of bodies a man can have. The resurrected body is described here as having glory and power. The other one is not.
- Notice in verses 42-43, it says "sown". Just like a seed that is sown in the ground will eventually become a plant. There is never a time that the seed disappears or ceases to exist. A transformation occurs. The same case applies here with Jesus. He never ceased to exist and he was never recreated from God's memory. He was physically raised in the same body he physically died in. He now has a glorified human body.
- We can see in verses 47 that both types of bodies are still relating to a man. One is perishable and without power and glory. And the other one is not.
- We can see in verses 51-52, the word "changed" is used. Unlike what the JW's teach, there is nothing here about a totally new body. It is a transformation of an existing body. This is confirmed in Phil. 3:21 also.
The Jehovah's Witnesses deny that Jesus is eternal. They believe that when Jesus died that he totally ceased to exist. So they say it wasn't only his body that died, but his entire being died. They believe in unbiblical theories such as Jesus' body dissolving into gases and disappearing. After this, they claim Jesus was later recreated as a spirit creature. All of this is unbiblical. Below are the scriptures to prove that Jesus never ceased to exist and was never recreated.
- Psalms 110:4
Jesus is a priest FOREVER. - Isaiah 9:6
Not only does this verse say Jesus is GOD, but it says he is ETERNAL. It is impossible for Jesus to have been recreated since it would contradict the very meaning of the word 'eternal'. - John 2:19-21
Jesus told the Jews that if they destroyed this temple that he would raise it again in 3 days. The 'temple' is then defined plainly as his body. So it is saying JESUS RAISED HIS OWN BODY. These verses are devastating to a JW. First, it means it is impossible for Jesus to have been recreated since it clearly says Jesus raised himself. So he had to be existing for it to be possible to raise his own body. Secondly, it proves his resurrection was only physical, which proves wrong the JW teaching that Jesus fully ceased to exist. Lastly, it proves Jesus is God since the Bible says God raised Jesus. - John 8:35
Referring to himself, he told the Jews that the son remains FOREVER. - John 12:34
Even the Jews knew from Old Testament scripture that Jesus would remain FOREVER! Apparently, the Jews knew scripture better than Jehovah's Witnesses do. - 1 John 1:2
Jesus is referred to as the EVERLASTING LIFE that was with the Father and made manifest to us. - Hebrews 5:6
This is a reference back to the old testament about Jesus being a priest FOREVER. - Hebrews 7:3
Jesus had NEITHER A BEGINNING NOR AN END OF LIFE and also he remains FOR ALL TIME! - Hebrews 13:8
It says Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and FOREVER. Ceasing to exist and needing recreated simply contradicts this scripture.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are a brainwashed people who are under mental and spiritual bondage. The Jehovah's Witnesses are victims of the WatchTower organization. They will of course deny all of this, but so would brainwashed members of other cults. Brainwashed victims do not even realize this is what has happened to them. See the proof below that Jehovah's Witnesses are brainwashed.
- Feb 15, 1981 Watchtower, Page 19
Jehovah's Witnesses are taught to have full confidence in the channel God is using and to accept their spiritual food without question. They are taught that there is nowhere else to go besides them for scriptural guidance. - Jan 15, 1983 Watchtower, Page 27
Jehovah's Witnesses are taught not to be independent thinkers! - March 1, 1983 Watchtower, Page 25
The mind of a Jehovah's Witness is directed by the organization! - March 1, 1983 Watchtower, Page 25
They are taught that anyone who opposes the organization cannot succeed. Drilling this concept into their heads enhances their control over the Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses think there is nowhere else to go other than the organization. And they think no matter what they would ever do later without the organization, it would be a failure. Anyone who has attended their meetings for a while can tell you this is what they really think. - May 1, 1984 Watchtower, Page 31
Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to read any other literature. They will ask that you read theirs, but they do not do the same in return. They have a false truth that cannot withstand any scrutiny. In reality, the real truth can withstand any amount of scrutiny or questioning. Someone who really knows the truth could read other literature all day long and it would make no difference. If anything, Jehovah's Witnesses who read other literature would be better prepared in their ministry. The more knowledge they would have of other religions then the better they would be in dealing with members of other religions and helping those people to leave. And Jehovah's Witnesses who read other literature would be JWs who are more reinforced in their beliefs and understand more why they believe in what they believe. Only an organization that has something to hide would not allow their members to read other literature and think freely. - May 15, 1984 Watchtower, Page 17
Jehovah's Witnesses are not supposed to listen to any criticism of their religion. Jehovah's Witnesses are also not allowed to criticize or complain about their religion. Those who do such things despise Jehovah's teaching and may be considered rebels. These are just more examples of the fear tactics the WatchTower organization uses in keeping control over their members.
This section provides supplemental proof that Jesus is Jehovah God. If you haven't already done so, go read the 'Proof Jesus Is God Almighty' section first. This section will show examples that both Jesus and Jehovah are called by the same titles. Which can only be possible if Jesus is God Almighty.
- Deuteronomy 10:17 - This verse shows from the old testament that JEHOVAH IS LORD OF LORDS. However, according to Revelation 17:14, JESUS IS LORD OF LORDS. There can only be one Lord of Lords. Jesus must be Jehovah if scripture is not to contradict itself.
- Hosea 13:4 - This verse clearly says that JEHOVAH IS SAVIOR. This is confirmed also in Isaiah 45:21. However, Jesus is called Savior many times in the Bible. For example, at 2 Peter 1:1 it clearly says JESUS IS SAVIOR.
- Isaiah 10:21 - This verse shows that JEHOVAH IS MIGHTY GOD. However, just a single chapter prior to this in the same book at Isaiah 9:6, JESUS IS MIGHTY GOD.
- Isaiah 44:6 - This verse clearly says JEHOVAH IS THE FIRST AND THE LAST. Compare this to the reference they have for Revelation 22:13. Here it says JESUS IS THE FIRST AND THE LAST They even have a reference pointing back to Isaiah 44:6.
- Isaiah 44:6 - This verse shows from the old testament that JEHOVAH IS THE KING OF ISRAEL. However, according to John 1:49, JESUS IS THE KING OF ISRAEL. There can only be one King of Israel.
- Isaiah 44:8 - This verse shows from the old testament that JEHOVAH IS THE ROCK. However, according to 1 Corinthians 10:4, JESUS IS THE ROCK. This is even confirmed in 1 Peter 2:8 and Romans 9:33.
- John 8:58 -
According to John 8:24, John 8:58, and John 18:4-6, JESUS IS 'I AM'.
This is a title taken from from Exodus 3:14-15.
In Exodus, JEHOVAH IS 'I AM'.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Refer to the 'WatchTower Is Deceptive!' & 'Proof Jesus Is God Almighty' sections of this site for more supporting information. - 1 John 1:5 - This verse shows that GOD IS LIGHT. This is confirmed in other verses as well. For example, Psalms 27:1. However, according to John 1:9, JESUS IS LIGHT.
- Revelation 1:7-8 - Every JW believes that JEHOVAH IS ALMIGHTY God. However, here JESUS IS ALMIGHTY too. We know it is Jesus because in verse 7 it says he was pierced. Jesus was the one that was pierced. Also, it says that the one who was pierced is coming and then it says the Almighty is coming. Now, compare to Revelation 22:13. Jesus identifies himself as the 'Alpha and Omega' which in Rev. 1:8 clearly says is Jehovah. It also says Jesus is coming. The entire context around Rev. 22:13 is about Jesus! So it is clear that Jesus is God Almighty. Even the original Jehovah's Witnesses were taught that the 'Almighty' in Rev. 1:8 was Jesus himself. See the Watchtower April 15 1893 for an example.
- Psalms 23:1 - According to this verse, JEHOVAH IS SHEPHERD. This is confirmed in Ezekiel 34:11-16. However, according to John 10:11, JESUS IS SHEPHERD. This is also confirmed in Hebrews 13:20 and Rev. 7:17.
Jehovah's Witnesses take much pride in their name. They claim that their name has been derived from the Bible. What JWs don't know is that the very verses they use to explain their name, are exactly the same verses that prove they cannot be Jehovah's Witnesses. The Bible defines who are God's Witnesses and according to the Bible, it is impossible for them to be Jehovah's Witnesses!
- Isaiah 43:10-12 - According to these verses, JWs cannot be Jehovah's Witnesses for 2 reasons.
- The Bible says there has never been any other God formed!
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the first of God's creations was Jesus.
After Jesus physically died, they believe that God recreated Jesus.
So according to them he was formed TWICE.
According to them, Jesus is 'a god', 'a God', and even 'Mighty God'.
So they believe a God was formed which directly contradicts these verses.
RESULT = FAIL - The Bible says besides Jehovah there is no Savior!
Jehovah's Witnesses claim that Jesus is their Savior.
Since they believe Jesus is not God Almighty, this means they have more than one Savior which directly contradicts these verses.
- The Bible says there has never been any other God formed!
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the first of God's creations was Jesus.
After Jesus physically died, they believe that God recreated Jesus.
So according to them he was formed TWICE.
According to them, Jesus is 'a god', 'a God', and even 'Mighty God'.
So they believe a God was formed which directly contradicts these verses.
- Isaiah 44:8 - According to this verse, JWs cannot be Jehovah's Witnesses for 2 reasons.
- The Bible says there is no other God!
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is 'a god', 'a God', or even 'Mighty God', but not God himself.
So they believe in multiple God's.
Which directly contradicts this scripture.
RESULT = FAIL - The Bible says there is no Rock besides Jehovah!
Jehovah's Witnesses say that Jesus is also their Rock when confronted with scriptures such as 1 Corinthians 10:4, 1 Peter 2:8, and Romans 9:33.
So they believe in multiple Rock's. Which directly contradicts this scripture.
- The Bible says there is no other God!
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is 'a god', 'a God', or even 'Mighty God', but not God himself.
So they believe in multiple God's.
Which directly contradicts this scripture.
- 1 Corinthians 15:12-17 - According to these verses, JWs cannot be Jehovah's Witnesses.
- Notice in this passage how there is a direct connection between men being raised and Jesus being raised. Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe Jesus was raised as other people have been raised (eg. Lazarus). Instead, they teach that Jesus was recreated as a spirit creature named Michael the Archangel. Therefore, their preaching and faith are in vain! Verse 15 specifically says they are false Jehovah's Witnesses because of this. The Bible is clear that Jesus was raised, not recreated. And he was raised a man, not as a spirit creature or an archangel.
- Notice in this passage how there is a direct connection between men being raised and Jesus being raised. Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe Jesus was raised as other people have been raised (eg. Lazarus). Instead, they teach that Jesus was recreated as a spirit creature named Michael the Archangel. Therefore, their preaching and faith are in vain! Verse 15 specifically says they are false Jehovah's Witnesses because of this. The Bible is clear that Jesus was raised, not recreated. And he was raised a man, not as a spirit creature or an archangel.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they have the only true religion. They bash other religions as being pagan, but what most JWs don't realize is that their very own religion was founded by a pagan apostate! And it is being run by apostates to this very day. Pagan teachings and symbols were prevalent in their organization for decades. Even after Jesus inspected their organization and chose them in 1919. For the organization to be true, this would mean Jehovah chose a pagan apostate to found his only true religion and then approved of their outright pagan connections decades after this. This completely contradicts the Bible. We are told not to build on bad foundations (eg. Matthew 7:24-27, Luke 6:48). For the JW religion to be true, Jehovah must have done the very same thing himself. We are also told that God could have raised Jews from the rocks (eg. Matthew 3:9). For the JW religion to be true, Jehovah chose an apostate like Charles Taze Russell to start his only true religion instead of using his power to raise someone more acceptable. And so on and so on. So either Jehovah is a hypocrite and does not do the things he says or the JW religion is false and run by a bunch of apostates.
- Cross and Crown Symbol -
This is from a Watchtower cover from 1931.
This symbol was included in Watchtower publications for decades before this too.
It is a symbol associated with the Freemasons and other groups.
Has the Watchtower organization repented of this? No! In a 2015 book called 'God's Kingdom Rules!' on page 104, they once again display this pagan symbol. Notice how they tried to downplay what happened. First, they did not say anything about it being a symbol used by Freemasons and other groups. They covered it up by simply saying it meant they would receive the crown of life after dying faithfully. Secondly, they said "starting in the late 1920's" and then "1928". We can see that as late as 1931, they were still using the symbol on the cover of the Watchtower. Only considering the Watchtower publication, it was not the 1920's, but the 1930's that this was removed. This is not even considering their other publications. Furthermore, notice how they said the symbol was easily given up. This is not the case. It took quite some time to get rid of it. An organization that tries and cover up the truth of what happened is an organization that has not repented.
The symbol is also shown on page page 105 of the same book. Again, they want people to think as if it was stopped earlier than it actually did. It did not stop in 1928. Notice also how they mentioned that the cross alone was also considered pagan. They also taught the cross past these dates as well. An organization that tries and cover up the truth of what happened is an organization that has not repented.
The symbol can also be found in the background on pages 63 and 122 of the book 'God's Kingdom Rules' printed in 2015. They slipped it in there so it can be noticed subconsciously. An organization that displays this symbol multiple times in the same book, is an organization that has not repented. - Pyramids -
This book is "Divine Plan Of The Ages" from 1886.
This is just one book that focused on pyramids and was considered 'truth' by the early JWs,
but there are several more.
Charles Taze Russell was a pyramidologist.
He was obsessed with pyramids.
He is even buried under a giant pyramid near a Masonic temple in Pennsylvania USA.
He actually used the Great Pyramid to calculate the 1914 date.
This same date is of much significance to the Jehovah's Witnesses to this very day.
Inside this book is a 'Divine Plan Of The Ages chart.
This is what the early JWs considered spiritual food and truth!
Has the Watchtower repented of this? No! In a recent book called 'God's Kingdom Rules!' printed in 2015, they have this chart displayed again. On the right side of the page, they tell us to even take notice of the chart. So to this very day, the organization is proud of this pagan symbol and wants their members to look at it. - Winged Sun -
This book is the 'Finished Mystery' from 1918.
It is one of a series of books that show a blatant Winged Sun symbol on the cover.
Do some research and you will see this is a pagan Egyptian symbol connected to the sun god 'Ra'.
This book is what the early JWs were learning about at the time of Jesus inspection and approval of the organization.
The book was even advertised in the later Watchtower literature and was mentioned decades later.
So it was not a simple one-time mistake done by the organization.
To this very day, the organization is putting this symbol in front of their member's eyes. Here are screenshots taken from their February 2015 JW Broadcasting. Notice the reference to 2 Corinthians 11:14. This verse mentions Satan disguising himself as an angel of light. Directly under this is the pagan symbol related to the false god Ra. This is an organization run by Satan, which is disguised as light to fool millions.
Now, considering what the Bible says about false gods and idols, ask yourself the following question. Would God really be using such an organization like this or is the organization false and run by a bunch of liars??? - Spiritualism - The Watchtower wrote about a former Catholic priest named Johannes Greber who created his own Bible translation by communicating with the spirit world. So they fully knew in 1956 who this man was and that he was involved in a pagan practice. Did this stop them from using him to support their perverted translation? No! They used him in 1971 in 'Aid To Bible Understanding' Page 1134 and 'Aid To Bible Understanding' Page 1669. They later referenced him again in 1975 and 1976. All this is AFTER they wrote about him in 1956 as being a spiritualist who communicated with the spirit world. Jehovah's Witnesses, what kind of organization would resort to using a pagan spiritualist to support their translation???
The Jehovah's Witnesses categorically deny they are a cult. Most cult members always deny they are in a cult though. The facts speak for themselves. See the proof below that Jehovah's Witnesses are in a cult.
- Information Control
Jehovah's Witnesses are told not to do any independant research outside the Watchtower publications. They are told that the organization will do the research itself and supply the correct information. The organization knows that once a JW does the research, they will leave. Once someone does discover the real truth and leaves, they are labeled as an 'apostate'. All access to such a person is then completely prohibited. Only an organization that has something to hide would control information like this. Information control is the same tactic used by other cults.
SIMILAR : Mormon missionaries stationed away from home are not allowed to use the internet. - Social Control
Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate holidays such as Christmas and they don't celebrate birthdays. They claim that it is because of pagan origins, but they disregard the pagan origins of their own religion! The real reason they don't allow members to celebrate these events is because it helps break up families. Instead of spending valuable time with family during these days, Jehovah's Witnesses will instead be with 'friends' (fellow JWs), at the Kingdom Hall (indoctrination center), or out in field service (free affiliate labor). Jehovah's Witnesses are notorious for not associating with non-JWs. Even if it means not spending time with family members who are non-JWs. They will often go to 'gatherings', which include only fellow Jehovah's Witnesses. At these gatherings, they will often share testimonies with each other about how they are in the 'truth'. They will also repeat phrases to each other like 'friends', 'the Society', and 'the Truth'. So instead of spending valuable time with family during holidays and birthdays, they are becoming indoctrinated even more. Also, if they ever have a family member that gets disfellowshipped (shunned), they will 99% of the time cut off that family member as if they don't exist anymore! Social isolation may even occur within the congregation itself. If there are members who are not as active or who are not doing enough (eg. not going out to field service enough) they will often be isolated even though they have done nothing wrong. So the member will be forced to get back in line or suffer socially. Social control is another tactic used by other cults.
SIMILAR : Christadelphians do not celebrate some holidays, they disfellowship, and they do not associate with non-members. - Lifestyle Control
Jehovah's Witnesses have many rules that are off the books, but are still well known. Jehovah's Witnesses cannot wear certain types of clothes and have certain types of haircuts. For example, women are encouraged not to dye their hair or wear revealing clothing. Men are encouraged not to have facial hair. They have also been told not to wear tight jeans. At one time, they were not supposed to wear glasses with metal frames, but only plastic frames. At one time, they were not allowed to get vaccines. They are told what types of music are acceptable and what are not. The organization has also made it their business to tell married couples how they are allowed and not allowed to have sex. Without going into much detail, Jehovah's Witnesses know what this is all about. Jehovah's Witnesses are told what type of video games are acceptable and which are not. Jehovah's Witnesses have even been told how often they need to wash their hands! Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged not to get any major secondary education like college, but instead learn a skill fast so they can maximize their time in field service (free affiliate labor). Instead of leaving all these things up to the individual, their organization makes the daily lives of their members it's business. Jehovah's Witnesses, deep down you know this is true.
SIMILAR : Mormons are not allowed to drink coffee or tea. They are told what clothes to wear. And so on. - Constant Fear
Jehovah's Witnesses live in constant fear of Armageddon. They have been preaching for more than a century that it is right around the corner. Even though there are prophecies in the Bible that must be fulfilled prior to Armageddon. They have an ungodly and unbiblical view of Armageddon. Pick up just about any Watchtower publication and you will find a reference to Armageddon. They always fear that they will not be good enough to survive Armageddon. Spreading fear among members is a powerful tactic used by other cults. It keeps their members in line and controlled.
SIMILAR : Christadelphians and Mormons are very fearful about being rejected by their family and friends and not having salvation. - Constant Guilt
Jehovah's Witnesses constantly feel guilt for not doing enough for the organization. For example, going out in field service (free affiliate labor) or donating money. Their literature will feature stories about Africans walking miles and miles just to make it to a meeting. What this does is induce guilt into richer JWs who drive cars so they make it to all their meetings. Or their literature will feature stories about little kids giving their last pocket change to the Kingdom Hall instead of having fun. What this does is induce guilt into the adult JWs to give even more since little kids are doing it. And so on and so on.
SIMILAR : Mormons are taught that they are saved after doing all they can do. So they constantly feel as if they need to do more. - Promised Reward
Jehovah's Witnesses are taught that if they do everything the organization says, they will be able to live forever on a paradise Earth and be reunited with loved ones. Similar to a dog that has a piece of meat held in front of it's face, but can never quite reach it. As the dog moves closer to the meat, it is retracted that much more away. So the dog keeps going and going in hopes that it will finally get it. The Bible does mention rewards, but the JWs have a twisted view of their rewards (eg. no heaven for common JW, perform works to be saved). The promised rewards are a tactic used by other cults to keep their members motivated and functioning.
SIMILAR : Mormons are taught that they will one day become a God and rule over their own planet as a reward. - Inability To Leave
Jehovah's Witnesses say they are not a cult since their members are free to leave whenever they want. Which is partially true. However, the situation is similar to an armed man holding someone captive. The man says, "There's the door. You may leave anytime. If you do leave though, you will be shot in the back of the head". Jehovah's Witnesses are free to leave, but when they do, they will be spiritually and mentally shot in the back of the head! Jehovah's Witnesses cannot leave honorably. They know they will be gossipped about and called names. They know they will lose all their current family and friends if they ever leave. Most JWs invest their entire life into the organization. Leaving the organization is like giving up everything!
SIMILAR : Christadelphians and Mormons also feel stuck and find it very difficult to leave. - Cult Language
The Jehovah's Witnesses use language that is only understood by them. For example, "field service", "governing body", "faithful and discreet slave". Other examples are "kingdom hall" instead of church, "undeserved kindness" instead of grace, "disfellowship" instead of excommunicate or shun. This is a tactic used by cults. Why?
- When all people use the same language, it promotes a sense of belonging and unity. So members stick together and everyone else is seen as an outsider.
- New visitors will feel left out and want to learn what is being said. So they read the literature to try and learn. Before long, they are indoctrinated.
- Talking to outsiders becomes tedious or awkward. A communication barrier occurs. As a result, cult members remain isolated.
- It becomes more difficult to understand opposing literature since there is a communication barrier. It is much easier for cult members to continue reading what they already understand. As a result, they remain indoctrinated and uneducated.
- Financial Exploitation
The Jehovah's Witnesses say they are not forced to donate money and all donating is voluntary. Which is true. However, the organization knows that most JWs are completely loyal. The JW organization takes advantage of the trust they have from Jehovah's Witnesses to extract funds from them covertly. Instead of mandatory donations, they appeal to their brainwashed member's emotions to get the money they want. For example, JW literature uses the emotion of fear to get money from their members. They have been teaching Armageddon is just around the corner. So they push their members to support the full time work as much as they can. They say things like there is no need for material things if Armageddon will happen soon. So instead of JWs going out and buying themselves a new car or something nice, they will instead donate the money. Anyone who was a JW in 1975 will be able to confirm this. The organization has been doing this since the beginning!
Their literature will also feature stories about little kids giving their last pocket change to the Kingdom Hall instead of having fun. What this does is induce guilt into the adult JWs to give even more since little kids are doing it. Just one example can be found in the 'God's Kingdom Rules!' book page 197. They show 2 small African boys from a poor country giving money. So the richer JWs from other countries will feel guilt and give money. Their literature is littered with stories like this. So is their JW Broadcasting. What kind of organization would stoop so low as to use children to induce guilt like this into adults?
It doesn't even stop there. JWs often leave absolutely no inheritance for their non-JW children. JWs will often sign over their belongings to the organization in the event of death. Things like homes, cars, and life insurance money are left to the organization. Again, what kind of organization would stoop so low as to encourage their members to do this instead of leaving it to their family?
SIMILAR : Mormons are required to give 10% of their earnings to their church. Members can even be audited for compliance. Members who are non-compliant will be punished. - Multiple Meetings (indoctrination sessions)
The Jehovah's Witnesses meet together at least 2 times per week, every week. During these meetings, a Jehovah's Witness will be exposed to very boring 'talks' and study of their literature. The most well known of these meetings is the study of the WatchTower magazine. The Jehovah's Witness is expected to study this in advance in preparation for the meeting and when they get to the meeting they study it again. The JW is told what to read, what questions to ask, and what the answers to the questions are. There is little room for deviation. If someone has a question or is confused, the person will be told to wait until after the meeting to talk with an elder. The above meetings do not even include meetings together for 'field service' and other special meetings like their circuit assemblies, district assemblies, and yearly memorial meeting. A JW's life is burdensome and they are kept very busy. That is what all these meetings are designed to do. With little time left over, a JW will not have the time or energy left to question anything or think freely. The meetings also indoctrinate their members with all the boring repetition. - Endless Publications (indoctrination material)
The Jehovah's Witnesses are subjected to an endless amount of new publications. They are expected to read and study them all as well. Or as much as humanly possible. The most well known of these publications is the WatchTower magazine. Inside this magazine, the JW is told what questions to ask themselves and what the answers to the questions are. The magazine is very repetitive year-to-year or even month-to-month. The same information is drilled into the JW mind over and over again. It is not uncommmon to talk to a JW that will unknowingly recite parts of their literature from memory.
The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus was created as Michael the Archangel in the very beginning.
He later came to Earth as a man.
While on Earth, his name was Jesus.
After Jesus died, God recreated him and he continued in heaven as Michael again.
The Jehovah's Witnesses have a false Jesus.
Just like the Mormons and other groups have a false Jesus.
Ignoring the other proof on this website (eg. Jesus is God Almighty in the flesh),
below is biblical proof that it is impossible for Jesus to be Michael the Archangel.
Note: So everyone is on the same page, an archangel is defined as:
- An angel of highest rank or chief angel (Merriam-Webster)
- An angel of high rank (Oxford)
- A chief or principal angel (
Therefore, an archangel is an angel in being and in nature. With that in mind, consider the below scriptures.
- Daniel 10:13 - Michael is ONE OF THE FOREMOST PRINCES. Which means there must be others like him. This is further supported by Daniel 12:1. Michael is a prince standing up for the Jewish people. So it would be logical to conclude there are other princes representing other nationalities or groups of people (eg. Gentiles) as well. Now, if there are multiple Archangels (Princes) then this would mean Jesus has equals. This would contradict multiple scriptures, so Jesus cannot be an archangel!
- Hebrews 1:3 - According to this verse, JESUS IS THE EXACT REPRESENTATION OF GOD'S BEING. So if Jesus is Michael the Archangel, then Jehovah would also need to be an archangel in order for this verse to be true!
- Hebrews 1:6 - God commanded that ALL the angels worship (do obeisance) Jesus. If Jesus is himself an angel, the wording of this text seems a little odd. Scripture is also clear that ANGELS CANNOT RECEIVE WORSHIP!
- Hebrews 1:13 - Notice how this scripture says, "about which of the angels..."? This cannot be true if Jesus is himself an angel.
- Hebrews 2:5 - The verse says that it is not to angels that God has subjected the Earth to come, but just a few verses later at Hebrews 2:8, it says that ALL THINGS HAVE BEEN SUBJECTED UNDER JESUS. Therefore, Jesus cannot be an angel.
- Colossians 1:16-17 -
According to this verse, all things have been created by Jesus, for Jesus, and through Jesus.
If Jesus is an angel, this would mean all things were created by an angel and for an angel.
This simply does not agree with the Bible!
IMPORTANT NOTE : Refer to the The WatchTower Is Deceptive!' section of this site for supporting information. - 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - The Jehovah's Witnesses will use this verse to support their false belief. They say it proves Jesus is Michael the Archangel simply because Jesus comes with the voice of an Archangel. However, the verse continues by saying that Jesus comes with God's trumpet. Using consistent logic, this would mean Jesus is a trumpet then. If coming with the voice of an Archangel means he is an Archangel, then coming with a trumpet means he is a trumpet. Obviously, Jesus is not a trumpet and therefore he is not an archangel too.
- Jude 9 - Michael struggled with Satan over Moses' bones. And Michael did not dare to bring an accusation against Satan and did not rebuke him, but left this up to Jehovah. If the Archangel Michael is Jesus, he simply could have told Satan to go away just as the Bible says Jesus did on other occasions. For example, in Matthew 4:10-11, Jesus boldly told Satan to go away and Satan listened! In Matthew 16:23, Jesus again told Satan to leave. In John 8:44, Jesus called Satan a murderer and the father of lies. This was a bold accusation made by Jesus. JESUS HAD NO PROBLEM DEALING WITH SATAN or talking about Satan. Jesus commanded Satan to leave on multiple occasions, spoke boldly to him, and made accusations against Satan. This is not how Michael handled Satan over Moses' bones though.
- Philippians 2:6 - Prior to him coming to Earth, JESUS EXISTED IN GOD'S FORM. For the JW belief to be true, this would mean that an archangel and God both share the same form. This simply is not true. God is entirely a different nature and being than any angel.
- Revelation 22:16 - In the very last chapter of the very last book of the Bible, JESUS CLEARLY SAYS HIS NAME IS JESUS, not Michael! Either Jesus lied or JW doctrine is false. If Jesus died and became the Archangel Michael in heaven, why is he never called by the name of Michael from Acts onward?
- Hebrews 6:20 - Jesus is a high priest forever who intercedes for us in the order of Melchizedek. See Hebrews 7:25 also. A high priest who intercedes for man must also be a man. There is no other way! If Jesus is not a man, it would go against Jewish custom and law. See Hebrews 5:1 as an example. So in order for Jesus to be our high priest, JESUS HAS TO BE MAN. He is not a spirit creature called Michael the Archangel.